Mass Intentions
A mass intention is a request to offer a mass or prayer for a specific purpose such as to remember a loved one who has passed away, to acknowledge a special occasion, to pray for someone in need or who may be struggling w/ an illness or a trauma.
When the St. Cloud Mission Office receives these requests, not only do we include them in our daily prayers, but we send them out to one of our missioner priests around the world...a truly wonderful way to be united in prayer.
If this is something that you are interested in doing, we ask you, along with your request, you please send a $10 donation per intention. This donation will be sent on with your request/s to one of our a missioner priests, which in turn will not only unite us all in prayer, but will also provide a huge blessing to the priest by allowing him to continue his ministry within the community he is in...providing funds for food, shelter, medical care, petrol etc...
Please let us know if there is a specific missioner priest that you would like to send your intentions to, or if there are any other questions you have, we would be happy to help.